Job Profiles in Focus: The Mobile Developer

Job Profiles in Focus: The Mobile Developer

As smartphone and tablet users continue to download mobile apps, mobile engineer candidates continue to be one of the most sought-after technical specialists in the industry.

Mobile Engineers and Mobile Developers often have a more lucrative compensation package than many other engineers and developers. In most high-tech companies, Mobile Developers are responsible for developing and creating software applications (commonly referred to as apps) for a variety of mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile.

Mobile developer applicants should have at least a bachelor's degree in computer programming or computer science, or a graduate degree in a closely related field.

Some of the programming skills mobile developers should possess include languages such as Java, Objective-C, and JavaScript. Mobile engineers also need a solid foundation in mobile application frameworks such as Phone Gap, Xamarin, or Sencha, in addition to needing extensive knowledge of responsive design, UX, and UI.

Some of the most common tasks of the mobile developer include creating release notes and "tracking" design changes during the development of each app.

A Mobile Developer must also be able to identify and resolve issues in apps. They also need to ensure that each app works flawlessly, which will undoubtedly require multiple upgrades throughout the lifecycle.

Some of the well-known companies that frequently hire mobile engineers include Runtastic, Anexia or Parkside.

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