4 Bid Strategies to Attract Top Candidates

4 Bid Strategies to Attract Top Candidates

It is a predefined process. Your HR manager and recruiting team have given a candidate the green light. Now it is time to actually hire the candidate - this is the moment that counts. But this is also the point in the process where an HR responsible can either act as an administrator, or position themselves as a strategic partner who plays a key role.

Too many HR managers make the mistake of assuming that reaching the offer stage means they have already crossed the finish line. On the contrary - this is probably the last and most important phase of the process, and there is still much to be improved in this process section.

Here are some examples:

The value of your offer depends on the sale

As a strategic partner during the offer phase, it is important to avoid simply presenting the numbers that your finance team has given you without any context. Take the time to understand the numbers, think about what you can tell the candidate, and help him understand the value of what is being offered. Here, you can also mention an outlook on the company's development and the possible promotion opportunities that may arise from it.

Please make the sales call as a team

Having two people in this scenario is better than having just one. The department should be available during the call to answer questions about open projects and the onboarding process, and to address any concerns the applicant may have about the opportunity.

Encourage the hiring managers to discuss career opportunities and why the team is excited to have this person on board. This is an opportunity for your team to show that they were listening during the interview process and that they can offer the candidate what he or she is looking for in their next job.

Don't begin with the lowest salary-level

The job market is competitive. If you have a candidate in the offer stage, this likely means that you have gone through a comprehensive interview process with them. Therefore, don't take the chance of losing them by making a low offer with the expectation that they will counteroffer.

Please present your best offer and explain how you arrived at this number. It is important to her that you took the time to consider the personal value, the responsibilities she will have in the role, and her prior experiences. This phase of the process lays the groundwork for a relationship based on transparency and respect.

Get yourself a “Yes”

Your mission for the job offer is to get a verbal commitment from the candidate. If they hesitate or there are competing offers on the table, have a conversation to find out what might be missing from your offer. Try to make it easier for them to make a decision by giving them tips.

If the candidate appears to be undecided, create a feeling of understanding and try to establish a schedule with him for when he is likely to respond to your offer.

The key to success in this phase is knowing that it is an intense and sometimes emotional experience for both sides. Your task is to help all parties involved make a decision that makes everyone feel good. This requires patience, experience, and a healthy dose of emotional intelligence, but when done correctly, it can improve the situation for all involved.

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