4 Ways to Ace your Virtual Tech Interview

4 Ways to Ace your Virtual Tech Interview

To successfully navigate your virtual interviews, Opeendoor's VP of engineering shares tips.

I never thought I'd be working remotely, but here I am! It's not as difficult as you might think, and it can actually be really great. In 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, I took a job online and was onboarded fully remote at Opendoor.

Although it may feel like remote interviews are very different from in-person interviews, the standard advice still applies. Be sure to dress the part and look presentable, be on time, be engaged, ask questions and send thank you emails following your meeting.

But there are a few things to keep in mind when interviewing virtually. Here are some tips to help you ace your next video interview and land the job - whether you're new to the workforce, or an industry veteran.

1. Familiarize yourself with the technology the company uses

Ask great questions. It's a sign of intelligence and strong thinking skills. Make sure you are prepared for your interview by testing out the video conferencing software ahead of time. Make sure to ask your recruiter about any technical resources you'll need for your remote interview - this way, you can familiarize yourself with them ahead of time! It's critical to know if the interview will utilize other external tools.

2. Avoid distractions

Find a quiet place to conduct the interview in, turn your phone off or into airplane mode and secure a good internet connection.

As important as a distraction-less environment is, remember that the company will understand emergencies and will be able to reschedule if needed.

For example, during one of my interviews in 2020, I was informed of a potential hazard in my house and had to immediately stop and handle the problem. The interviewer was very understanding and supportive. The situation has since turned into a joke as it later turned out to not be a problem after all.

Disruptions happen, but we can overcome them if we stay strong.

3. Use the opportunity of a videocall to meet more employees

It's important to assess soft skills and culture-add attributes during the interview process. If the recruiter doesn't offer it upfront, ask them who you'll be meeting with. And following the interview, ask them if there's anyone else they recommend you meet with to get a feel for the company's culture and the people you'd be working with day in and day out. Ideally, you'll meet with as many people across the company as possible.

I had numerous conversations with different types of employees to get a sense of the company culture and see if I would be a good fit.

4. Take time and stay invested in the interview

It's no secret that video calls can be wonky at times, but that doesn't mean you can't make a great impression! Just take your time answering questions, and speak clearly so the interviewer can understand everything you're saying. Remember, since you're not in-person, it's harder to read body language and tone, so do your best to be engaged, emotive, and enthusiastic.

Make sure to keep the interviewer updated on your thought process as you go along. This will help ensure that you are both on the same page with what you are thinking and how you are solving the problem.

If you want to ace your next virtual interview and get the job, make sure to follow this advice!

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