What Recruiters Say and What Developers Hear

What Recruiters Say and What Developers Hear

I recently gave a presentation on the challenges in tech recruiting. One of the things discussed there was what recruiters tend to say and how this sounds to developers.

Recruiter jargon = big, red warning signs for Developers.

To increase your chances of appearing interesting to Developers, connecting with them, and retaining them, here are five phrases recruiters - or hiring managers - state and how Developers interpret them. And tips on how to better communicate with developers instead.

Recruiters say: "We have a start-up culture!"

Developers hear: "You'll work long hours, get paid little, and never leave the office."

Better: emphasize the benefits! What does a startup culture mean as an organization? This is different for all companies, but you can highlight, for example, the fact that there probably won't be many decision makers to go through to create a product. That sounds like a huge advantage over the competition. The cool new startup projects could also be a big plus for many developers.

Recruiters say: "We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Developers hear: "It's the same stuff as everywhere else anyway, just at a different company."

Better: be accurate! Don't use marketing language or vague phrases here. What's so unique about this opportunity? What will the developers be working on? Always consider the counterpart, he said. If you think the counterpart is interested in new technologies or new experiences, you could make exactly these points to emphasize what is really so unique about this opportunity. Developers like to take on new challenges, work on new products, and keep up with the latest technologies. Keep this in mind when offering the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Recruiters say: "We have a foosball table."

Developers hear: "We have nothing else to offer."

Better: focus on the positives of the company. Table tennis used to be something cool and unique, but now even the most soulless large corporations have a foosball table. So it's time to find something new. The company will have much more to offer, be it tangible or intangible benefits. The important thing is to highlight what makes the company different and unique. It can be the free lunch for the team on Friday, the big monitors for the employees or the get-together after work on Thursday. Stand out. The great company needs to be talked about because there is a lot of competition.

Recruiters say: "We're in stealth mode."

Developers hear: "Please apply without knowing what the job will even be."

Better: be open! Make sure to explain lots of details about the job's responsibilities, what developers will be working on, and with whom. Such things are always the top priority for job-seeking Developers.

Recruiters say: "With us, it's work hard, party hard!"

Developers hear: "We're 22 years old and possibly alcoholics."

Better: know your audience! Of course, everyone likes a little fun, but such a thing is not an issue in the job search. First and foremost, the work should be mentally stimulating and fulfilling, and then you'll have a happy Developer. The top three things developers care about are growth, a good team, and good management.

Know your audience. Developers love a bit of fun BUT the work needs to be mentally challenging and fulfilling and THEN you have a happy Developer. If you've read Joel's guide, you'll get a good idea of what makes a Developer want to work with your company and the top three things that interest them. Growth, working with a great team, and good management.

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